All plans now allow viewing the Trash folder and restoring files from Trash.
Fixes and Improvements
Added an option to group text styles that are using the same font family and weight, allowing simultaneous editing of all grouped styles.
Added option to “Maintain Baseline on Fit” when text run is using Overflow:Fit (prevents text from scaling larger than desired when using Fit).
When multiple transitions are selected, the right-click “Create Condition” menu now supports automatically setting number input values based on the “Top to Bottom” layout of the timeline nodes.
Removed the ability to set the target for a draw order rule, clip, or constraint (e.g., follow path, distance, etc.) in one artboard to an object in a different artboard, as this would lead to an invalid state.
Resolved issue in which an object copy-pasted to an artboard would not be displayed in the nested artboard instance until the pasted object was moved or edited.
Artboard clipping is toggled off by default.
Improved text rendering speed in the editor.
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