Increased maximum zoom to 25600% (released in 0.8.879).
Display pixel grid when zoom is at 800% or more and added pixel-snapping (enable in the visibility menu).
Fixes and improvements
Sorting image assets by “Added” in the Assets panel now lists assets in the order in which they were selected in the file upload dialog.
Addressed problem with copy-pasting files in the file browser failing in some scenarios.
Resolved issue with nested artboards containing referenced or hosted assets not appearing in the parent artboard.
Elastic interpolation should now be successfully copied when copying keys.
Selecting an item in the hierarchy will deselect any items selected in a state machine or timeline (to avoid accidentally deleting from the timeline or state machine).
Clipping is now performed per path and treats hidden paths as empty paths.
Removed the blue “ANIMATING” badge to reduce resource usage.
Improved text selection behavior when renaming file and folder names in the file browser.
Adjusting the size of a parametric shape using the bounding box handles will now adjust the shape X/Y positions and parametric path size.
Fixed issue with marquee selection behaving incorrectly when selecting vertices with the weight tool.
Resolved issue with share links, Community posts, etc. not loading correctly when a mesh was bound to a bone that had Y scale at 0%.
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